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  • janetcrouch

30 minutes in the Life: May 2020 - welcome to summertime - black and white.


"Thirty Minutes in the Life" will feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends {and photographers}. This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle.


It's the last day of May and the beginning of summertime here in the south. We have our two oldest grandkids with us for the weekend and since they got here, they've been asking to get out the slip and slide so this afternoon, after online church, that's just what we did!

Oliver started out with Gracie but soon played out and decided to go fishing with Bepaw and Gracie had the slide to herself.

These are my 30 minutes.

I hope the beginning of your summer is as relaxed and fun as ours has been, despite the pandemic in our world. This is a blog circle, so make sure that you travel around to see all of the beauty! Next up is Ivana Aleric. She is an amazing photographer with a really fun post <3 .

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