"Thirty Minutes in the Life" will feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends {and photographers}. This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle.
“How lavishly are the flowers scattered over the face of the earth! One of the most perfect and delightful works of the Creation, there is yet no other form of beauty so very common. Abounding in different climates, upon varying soils -not a few here to cheer the sad, a few there to reward the good but countless in their throngs, infinite in their variety, the gift of measureless beneficence wherever man may live, there grow the flowers.”
― Susan Fenimore Cooper
Wildflowers are everywhere right now and I never get tired of seeing them along the edges of our yard, along the roadside, or in open fields. They need no special tending, just the beauty and the life God gave them, adding color and joy to the world.
I took just 30 minutes and slipped out along the hillside in front of my home and admired the light and color. They aren't perfect, and some of them are fading...but beautiful just the same!

Take a spin around this blog circle by heading over next to see Sharleen Stuart's post on Marco Island! Her pictures are always so enlightening and beautiful!