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  • janetcrouch

30 minutes in the Life: January 2020, chickens and eggs.

"Thirty Minutes in the Life" will feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends {and photographers}. This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle.


Last January I spent my 30 minutes in the Life photographing our eggs, so I decided this year to do the same...well, sort of. I started at the chicken coop and then made my way to the kitchen with the eggs.

Our chickens have spent most of the winter not laying eggs, but in the last few weeks we're slowly getting more and more. I'll be glad when they're back into full production!

Here are my 30 minutes....literally.

It's been a cold and very wet January so I'm glad that the days seem to be getting longer and I'm hoping that the sun will appear a little more in the coming months!

In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the rest of the posts from the rest of our beautiful group starting with the lovely Ashley Soeder Photography. The beauty, color and perspectives that she captured is amazing!

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