"Thirty Minutes in the Life" will feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends {and photographers}. This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle.
Since my husband retired from the power company we've been hired to work for a storm restoration team. His job is to assess the power outages and my job is to drive him around while he works. The stay at home orders are still in place so things are very odd, but we're in our vehicles most of the time and when we are out we're in protective gear and masks and practicing social distancing. There have been several storms here in Mississippi in the past 2 weeks so we've been away from home quite a bit. Photos aren't allowed on the job, so I took the time that we were in a hotel (using a room that hadn't been used since this stuff began) and took a few photographs.

Hotel light is my favorite light!

I'm so thankful for the Gideons who place these Bibles in hotels.

We ordered supper and then played some cards. Not an overly eventful evening but we enjoy the time together.

Next in our blog circle is Ivana Aleric and OH! The images of her sweet baby are beautiful! Click HERE to see her post.
Janet I love how you embrace and capture everyday life so well. The light in these images is beautiful.
Hotel light really is the best! These are so pretty.
Janet, I love the light and the quietness of your photos! You presented it wonderfully. It is so much different than my loud with 3 small kiddos!
I am so with you on hotel light. It's so soft and falls off so nicely!!!! I need to check out this game - we're so sick of uno - it would be nice to try a new game!
Janet, I LOVE these! You captured the details beautifully. And Phase 10 is one of our favorite family card games.